Student Academic Relations Committee

2 year terms appointed by the Steering Committee, committee elects Chair

Bylaws on SARC: The Committee on Student Academic Relations shall hear appeals from students who think that decisions about their academic work have been made improperly or unprofessionally in colleges. The Committee shall consist of five persons appointed annually by the Steering Committee, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for staggered two-year terms; an undergraduate student member and a graduate student member shall be appointed annually by the President of the University.

The Committee shall elect its chairperson annually from the faculty representatives. The Committee shall report its findings and recommendations to the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. It shall also report each term to the Faculty Senate.

Membership (2023 Memberships will be confirmed at the October Senate)

Michael Neal, Arts and Sciences
Nancy Rogers, Music

Mary Frances Hanline, Education
Holger Kern, Social Sciences and Public Policy, Chair
Melissa Radey, Social Work

Student Members

Graduate: Alaba Ilesanmi
Undergraduate: Sarah Nemeth

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