Undergraduate Policy Committee

3 year terms appointed by the Steering Committee; committee elects Chair

Bylaws on UPC: The Undergraduate Policy Committee shall consider University-wide policies on undergraduate academic affairs. Members of this Committee shall be appointed by the Steering Committee, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for staggered three-year terms. Each college shall have a representative; the Colleges of Education, Business, and Social Sciences shall have one additional representative; and the College of Arts and Sciences shall have four additional representatives. The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their designee, and the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, or their designee, shall be non-voting ex-officio members. The President of Student Government shall appoint an undergraduate student member annually.

The Committee shall elect its chairperson annually from the faculty representatives. The Committee will make its recommendations to the Steering Committee which will transmit the recommendations to the Senate for action.

Membership (2024 Memberships to be confirmed at Senate)

Enrique Alvarez, Arts and Sciences
Tenley Bick, Fine Arts
Elizabeth Foster, Medicine
Patrick Hollis, Engineering
Irena Hutton, Business 
Teresa Roach, Social Sciences and Public Policy
Lisa Tripp, Motion Picture Arts (Honors)
Yanyun Yang, Education, Health and Human Sciences

Jane Clendinning, Music
Henry Fuelberg, Arts and Sciences
Gregory Harris, Education, Health and Human Sciences
Daniel Mears, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Chair
Lisa Munson, Social Sciences and Public Policy
Brian Parker, Applied Studies
Besiki Stvilia, Communication and Information 
Xin "Henry" Zhang, Arts and Sciences

Carol Edwards, Social Work
Lydia Hanks, Hospitality
Briain Dwyre Riley, Entrepreneurship
Steven Palazzo, Nursing
James Sickinger, Arts and Sciences
Xinlin Tang, Business
TBD, Arts and Sciences
TBD, Law

Student Representative: TBD

Ex officio: VP of Academic Affairs; Dean of Undergraduate Studies or designee; 1 undergraduate student appointed annually by the President of student government

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