Dr. Petra Doan

Petra Doan is Professor in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning at Florida State University. In her 28 years at Florida State, she has served the Department of Urban and Regional Planning as Undergraduate Program Director, Doctoral Program Director, Coordinator of the Master’s International Program with the US Peace Corps, and Interim Department Chair. She has been a member of the United Faculty of Florida for more than 25 years and has served more than 3 terms on the faculty senate over the course of her career, most recently from 2015-2017.
She primarily conducts research on planning issues surrounding marginalized communities with a special focus on the LGBTQ community. She has edited two books that have been critically acclaimed: Queerying Planning: Challenging Heteronormative Assumptions and Reframing Planning Practice published in 2011 by Ashgate and Planning and LGBTQ Communities: the Need for Inclusive Queer Space published by Routledge in 2015. She also has published a number of related articles in Gender, Place, and Culture, Women’s Studies Quarterly, Environment and Planning A, the Journal of Planning Education and Research, Progressive Planning, and International Review of Urban and Regional Research. She currently serves as a member of the Editorial Board of Gender, Place and Culture and is the elected President of the Faculty Women’s Interest Group of the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning.
To view the CV, go to: http://www.fsu.edu/cvdb/PDOAN.rtf