Distance Learning Committee

3 year terms appointed by the Steering Committee; Steering Committee appoints Chair annually

Bylaws on the Distance Learning Committee:  The Distance Learning Committee shall provide policy development, oversight, and academic advice specific to the design and implementation of Distance Learning courses and degree programs. In particular, the committee will have the following responsibilities.

  1. To propose to the Senate procedures and standards for authorization to offer courses and programs by delivery methods other than standard classroom delivery, and for enduring quality control of such course and program offerings.
  2. To monitor the effectiveness with which the procedures and standards and standards adopted are being implemented.
  3. To propose to the Senate modifications to existing standards and procedures as appropriate. This committee will supplement, not supplant, the functions of other existing committees.

The committee shall consist of the following members: The Chairs of the Undergraduate Policy, Graduate Policy and University Curriculum Committees; four additional faculty members appointed by the Steering Committee, with the advice and consent of the Senate for staggered three-year terms. The Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, or their designee, shall be a non-voting ex-officio member. The Director of the Office of Distance Learning and the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or their designee shall be non-voting ex-officio members. The Faculty Senate Steering Committee shall appoint its chairperson annually from the faculty representatives. The Committee will make its recommendations to the Steering Committee, which will transmit the recommendations to the Senate for action.

Membership (2024 Memberships to be confirmed at Senate)

Lynne Hinnant, Communication and Information
Stacy Sirmans, Business

Kathleen Burnett, Communication and Information


Other Members:
Ulla Bunz, Communication and Information, GPC Chair 
Dan Mears, Criminology and Criminal Justice, UPC Chair
Gregg Stanwood, UCC Co-Chair

Ex officio:
Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee; Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement or designee; Director, Office of Distance Learning

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