3 year terms appointed by the Steering Committee; the committee elects Co-Chairs
Bylaws on UCC: The University Curriculum Committee shall consider curricular policies and procedures at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Committee shall consist of twelve faculty members appointed by the Steering Committee, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for staggered three-year terms. The Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, or his or her designee, shall be a non-voting ex-officio member.
The Committee shall annually elect two leaders from the faculty representatives who will create a working document regarding their division of labor.
**Important Dates**
UCC Review Calendar
Submission Window Calendar
*Please check this page throughout the semester as these dates may change.*
Please review the Curriculum Resources page for helpful information regarding proposal submissions.
Membership (2024 Memberships to be confirmed at Senate)
Mandy Bamber, Nursing
P. Bryant Chase, Arts and Sciences
Arash Fahim, Arts and Sciences
Laura Lee, Arts and Sciences
Gregg D. Stanwood, Medicine, Co-Chair (2022-2024)
Carol Campbell Edwards, Social Work
Joseph Krupka, Business
Margaret Sullivan, Communication and Information
Spencer Youngberg, Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Victor DeBrunner, Engineering, Co-Chair (2022-2024)
Allan Jeong, Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Mason Marks, Law
Ex officio: Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement or designee