Graduate Policy Committee

The Graduate Policy Committee shall consider University-wide policies relating to graduate education. Members of this Committee shall be appointed by the Steering Committee, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for staggered three-year terms. Each college shall have one representative; the Colleges of Education, Business, and Social Sciences shall have one additional representative; and the College of Arts and Sciences shall have four additional representatives. The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their designee, and the Dean of The Graduate School, or their designee, shall be non-voting ex-officio members; and membership shall include two graduate student representatives from different colleges appointed for a one-year term by the President of Student Government.

The Committee shall annually elect its chairperson from the faculty representatives. The Committee will make its recommendations to the Steering Committee, which will transmit the recommendations to the Senate for action.

Membership (2024 Memberships to be confirmed at Senate)

Henry Bass, Arts and Sciences
Jessica Ridgeway Clayton, Entrepreneurship
Audrey Heffron-Casserleigh, Social Sciences and Public Policy
Steve Johnson, Law
Ithel Jones, Education, Health and Human Sciences
Woody Kim, Hospitality
Vasu Misra, Arts and Sciences
David Orozco, Business
Lynn Panton, Education, Health and Human Sciences 

Todd Adams, Arts and Sciences
Ettore Aldrovandi, Arts and Sciences (2023-2025)
Luis Balicas, Arts and Sciences 
LeeAnn Barfield, Nursing
Ulla Bunz, Communication and Information, Chair
Vanessa Denne, Education, Health and Human Sciences
Jessica Greil-Burkhart, Social Work
Elizabeth Osborne, Fine Arts
Stacy Van Dyke, Applied Studies
Yue Wang, Medicine

Cecilia Chouchy Algorta, Criminology and Criminal Justice
TBD, Arts and Sciences
TBD, Arts and Sciences
TBD, Business
TBD, Engineering
TBD, Music
TBD, Motion Picture 
TBD, Social Sciences and Public Policy 


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