Election shall be by the General Faculty for three-year staggered terms;
Bylaws on the Grievance Committee: The Grievance Committee shall have jurisdiction, through its hearing panels, to hear grievances, as defined by University rules, brought to its attention by any faculty member in relation to the University practice in professional relations, professional ethics, academic freedom, conditions of employment (including the termination or suspension of tenured and non-tenured faculty), and general faculty welfare.
The Committee is empowered to create hearing panels for the consideration of individual cases. The Grievance Committee will report each term to the Faculty Senate. Action by a Grievance Committee hearing panel in no way precludes a faculty member from seeking redress through other official means; however, no other University committee shall serve as an appeals committee for cases initially heard by the Grievance Committee.
The Chairperson of the Elections Committee shall, through the Faculty Senate Coordinator, notify each college scheduled to nominate candidates for this Committee. The faculty of that unit shall, through procedures it shall determine, nominate from its ranks at least twice the number of faculty members to be elected. Additional nominations shall be taken from the floor of the Senate. Election shall be by the General Faculty for three-year staggered terms to begin August 1. Each college shall have one representative; the Colleges of Education, Business, and Social Sciences shall have an additional representative; and the College of Arts and Sciences shall have four additional representatives.