The Library Committee shall consider University-wide policies on general library operations. Members of this Committee shall be appointed by the Steering Committee, with the advice and consent of the Senate, for staggered three-year terms. Each college shall have one representative; the Colleges of Education, Business, and Social Sciences and Public Policy shall each have one additional representative; and the College of Arts and Sciences shall have four additional representatives. The Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, or their designee, the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, or their designee, the Dean of University Libraries, and the directors of the College of Music Allen Music Library, the College of Law Research Center, the College of Medicine Maguire Medical Library, the Harold Goldstein Library, the Dirac Science Library, and the head of Scholars Commons, shall be non-voting ex-officio members; and membership shall include a graduate student and an undergraduate student from different colleges appointed for a one-year term by the President of Student Government.