Core FSU Policy Committee

Ten members appointed by the Steering Committee to serve for staggered 3-year terms, including one representative each from the Undergraduate Policy, Honors Program Policy and University Curriculum Committees. Steering Committee appoints the Chair annually.

Bylaws on the Core FSU Policy Committee: The Core FSU Policy Committee shall promote liberal education and provide oversight for the liberal studies curriculum. The Committee shall consist of ten faculty members, appointed by the Steering Committee, who shall serve for staggered three-year terms, including one representative each from the Undergraduate Policy, Honors Program Policy, and University Curriculum Committees and a representative from Florida State University Panama City. The Dean of Undergraduate Studies and Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs or their designee shall serve as non-voting ex-officio members. The Committee may invite to its meetings representatives of administrative offices and others with responsibility for implementing policies that have direct bearing on the Liberal Studies program. The Steering Committee shall appoint the chair annually from among the faculty representatives.

Membership (2024 Memberships to be confirmed at Senate)

James Fadool, Arts and Sciences, Chair
Alex Kercheval, Arts and Sciences
Lisa Tripp, Motion Picture Arts, UPC Rep

Victor DeBrunner, Engineering, UCC Co-Chair, 2023-2024
Michael Furman, Undergraduate Studies, Honors Rep
Edwin Hilinski, Arts and Sciences


Ex officio:

Dean of Undergraduate Studies
Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee

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