Standing Faculty Senate Committee Membership
- Budget Advisory Committee, Chair: TBA
- Committee on Memorials and Courtesies
- Core FSU Policy Committee, Chair: James Fadool
- Distance Learning Committee, Chair: George Williamson
- Elections Committee, Chair: Amy McKenna
- Graduate Policy Committee, Chair: Ulla Bunz
- Grievance Committee, Chair: Jack Fioritio
- Honors Program Policy Committee, Chair: Tarez Graban
- Library Committee, Chair: Alysia Roehrig
- Student Academic Relations Committee, Chair: Holger Kern
- Sustainability Committee, Co-Chairs: Will Hanley and Amy McKenna
- Teaching Evaluation Committee, Chair: Laura Bell
- Technology Committee, Chair: John Marks
- Torch Awards Committee, Co-Chairs: Marilyn Young, Jayne Standley
- Undergraduate Policy Committee, Chair: Daniel Mears
- University Curriculum Committee, Co-Chairs: Victor DeBrunner and Gregg Stanwood
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